Sunday 5 April 2020

Donald Trump discusses sports season amid corona virus pandemic.

The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump,met with top sports leaders to discuss the resumption of sporting activities amid coronavirus pandemic.

Trump was quoted to say at the White House; ‘‘I want fans back in the arenas, I think it’s … whenever we’re ready.

“As soon as we can, obviously. And the fans want to be back, too. They want to see basketball and baseball and football and hockey.

“They want to see their sports. They want to go out onto the golf courses and breathe nice, clean, beautiful fresh air” he added.

Whilst addressing players of the Little League players on Saturday, Trump tweeted “hang in there! We will get you back out on the fields, and know that you will be playing baseball soon.

“We will get through this together, and bats will be swinging before you know it.”
Trump said the need for social distancing is affecting his 14-year-old son, Barron. The president described his son as a good athlete and soccer fan.

“We have to get back,” Trump said. “We have to get back. Remember that. We have to get back and we have to get back soon.”

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