Tuesday 24 November 2015

4 Decisions Happy Couples Make Every Single Day… No Exceptions!

Before a man and woman walk down the aisle together and enter a marriage that lasts a lifetime, something amazing must take place. And I don’t mean choosing a beautiful gown for her and a dapper tuxedo for him. I’m not even talking about their choice of groomsmen and bridesmaids to share their special day.
No, long before the “I Do’s” are even conceived, a man and woman must make a decision to truly love one another deeply, unconditionally, and without doubt from the the heart.
The exchange of those vows is the culmination of that decision that began long before. It is that foundation upon which the words “I do” rest.

1. Love is a Daily Decision
Love is actually a recurring decision that begins very early in a relationship. It is far more than a sentiment or lofty affirmation that two people conjure up when the mood is right or just something said to set the tone for intimate escapades.
A man and woman lay a foundation of love and build upon it for life.
It is made daily in the lives of two people who have opted to devote their lives to one another.

2. He’s Deliberate
A man makes that decision each and every time he resists the temptation to act upon an opportunity to engage in illicit carnal acts with other women. Those opportunities may be many but love is the motivating factor that helps him to remain faithful. That decision is deliberate and just.

3. She Trusts
A woman makes that decision each time she decides to trust a man with her heart. Undoubtedly, she has been hurt before. Sure, it is not the fault of the man that follows but, nonetheless, she may be understandably fragile as well as guarded.
It takes great sacrifice, courage, and love for her to allow him entrance into her innermost sanctum. Love gives her the courage. It is deliberate and just.

4. They Sacrifice
Daily they make conscious decisions to love by their very actions. Those decisions are not without sacrifice. It is impossible to offer love without the gift of sacrifice. Both make the decision long before they say “I do”.
Each step they take together and each decision they make apart for the benefit of their union is an act of and a decision to love. As the days become weeks, the weeks become months, and the months become years, they look back and it is evident that their love was expressed in deed and not just empty words.
The journey, though long, has lasting and rewarding implications. A man and woman lay a foundation of love and build upon it for life. Make your words count for more than just the moment. Words are easy to come by especially when spoken in the heat of the moment.
Those words will have lingering and lasting effects either for the building of a lasting relationship or the detriment of a relationship that may have had promise.
Remember that your daily decisions are a clear testament of the love that you profess to your significant other. Choose carefully actions that correspond to those words so that on that special day, when you utter the long awaited “I Do’s,” you will both know those words are meant to last a lifetime.

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