Tuesday 14 June 2016

5 Things Nigerians Have Learnt From This Economic Crunch.

That the Nigerian economy is at a very depressing low at the moment is no longer news. A fall in global oil prices, a weak Naira and increasing inflation means many Nigerians are struggling. In order to survive, Nigerians have come up with a plan

Cutting your coat according to your cloth: Although you really really like eating well made tomato-stew, the scarcity and high cost of tomatoes would just naturally teach you to chill with you concoction jollof or any other cheaper alternative. You just learn naturally to make the available your preferable.

2. Patience: Gone are the days when you could just wake up and quit your job because of a very annoying boss or colleague or lack of passion. Nowadays, you just chill like a good kid and take all the sh*t because no one can afford to be jobless in this economy.

3. Postpone your owambe amibition; Yea, you have never marked your birthday and everything within you is asking you to mark it this year or just propose to bae and get married for good. A quick look at the economic status and your bank will just whisper to you to take it one step at a time. After all, there’s always next year.
Black man saying no gif
4. Prudence: This comes into play a lot these days. No matter how much you have at the moment you don’t want to be reckless because when you go broke, its kind of difficult getting back in this economy. Getting the best bargain has become the norm everywhere. No to every evil spending.

5.Prayer: Almost everyone is closer to God now. The average Nigerian commits everything into his hands now. From where the next meal will come from to meeting their ‘helper’.

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