Tuesday, 14 June 2016

7 Things Nigerian Girls Need to Stop Doing ASAP

Well there are some things that some Nigerian girls do that we totally don’t get and these things happen everyday and have become the norm.

1.When they think its a man’s birth right to feed, cloth and provide all the beautiful things of life for them.

The truth is making money isn’t gender-specific, you too can work,earn your own money and be really independent. Ask Mrs Alakija
2.When they a think British and/or American accent makes them seem rich

Aunty, no one picks up an accent only by watching American movies
3.When they think its cool to have one goal in life, to meet and marry ‘Mr. Rich and Nice ‘

What of real dreams like making your mark in history because you discovered great ideas that changed the world?
4.When they rather starve, die and go to hell than pay for their own meal at a restaurant

Because they feel that’s what men were made for
5.When they think they have to spend a fortune on clothes and hair so people think they are “it”

And sadly they are not ‘it’. Everything is false. Ask their bank accounts.
6. When they think it makes them big girls to go everywhere in a cab

Even though they can’t conveniently afford it but can’t stop because they dare not look broke
7.And when they have to make all the announcement on social media, including where their ‘chofer’ should take them
Because she was too eager to post it on social media, she forgot to check the spelling of ‘chauffeur’

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